Wednesday, June 8, 2011

More screening, less not screening.

That phrase has been repeated a few times with variation after our program director said it yesterday...two days ago...sometime...It is very bizarre for me to realize how short of a time I've been here, and that I haven't even known people here for long at all. Which is great, I'd say. :)

As some of you know, ever since my Parli days I've believed that knowing terminology is the fastest way to understand anything. Plus, I love words. So, stemming from that, I thought I'd throw out some words so that what exactly we are doing might be more clear.
1. Digging-shovel+dirt. Right.
2. Screening-pushing dirt through a screen so that anything interesting will catch. This is really tedious, and often slows us down a bit, but hey, you get to stand in the shade usually.
3. Trowelling-this is taking a trowel and scraping it over what has been shovelled so that it will be nice and even. It's a lot of work to just take a picture of it....(I happen to be a very good troweller, but I don't really enjoy it too much).
4. Unit-the area where all this digging takes place-2meters by 2 meters.

I had a feeling that today would be a good day when "Jump" was playing when we unloaded the vans. I really enjoy listening to classic rock before we dig. :) We got a new shade tent today,which was high luxury, because our old one has been breaking piece by piece. The final leg broke today (we were using it in addition to the fancy new one). And, after much digging, trowelling, and especially screening, we found something pretty cool!

Basically, it was a piece of red pottery, which is a big deal because pottery of this specific nature is really rare to find on this site, and after we date this, it can hopefully be used as a reference point for other findings' chronology. Yay!

Also wanted to mention that I was able to go to meeting near Paducah Sunday, and was able to stay for lunch with the friends afterwards. :) :) Yay, Southern hospitality!

I feel like this blog is slightly deficient in wittiness, so here's an apology. Hopefully I'll be more clever next time. :)

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